IMMC-QEF Field Study
Bank of China International (BOCI) 中銀國際
Date: 11 Feb 2019
Location: 26/F., Bank of China Tower, 1 Garden Road, Hong Kong
An investment bank in Hong Kong.
Learning Content:
Applications and innovation in Fintech, banking and finance; getting close-up and hands-on experience in modelling applications in financial industry and Fintech.
Teaching and learning are not limited in classroom, encouraging students to step outside schools and visit organisations to understand operation in different industries is an alternative but important way.
On 11th Feb, with the support from Bank of China International (BOCI) and Dr. Shaojun ZHANG (HK PolyU-School of Accounting and Finance), secondary school teachers and students went to the BOCI Sheung Wan office for the Field Study. The Field Study aimed to introduce the applications of math modeling in financial industry, also the various products and trading operation in investment banking.
Dr. Zhang is specialised in finance and risk management. At the beginning, Dr. Zhang introduced the concept of Option which is divided into Call Option and Put Option. He also introduced a fundamental formula called Black-Scholes Option Pricing Formula.
The Managing Director of Risk Management team from BOCI, Dennis AuYeung, then illustrated the knowledge and math model in finance in detail such as European Vanilla Options, the concept of Volatility and its calculation, and the simulation method - Monte Carlo Method.
Furthermore, the speaker talked about Option Strategies, Structured Products, and the possible problems and issues we should pay attention to when doing modeling for financial purpose. Other subjects such as Value of Risk(VaR) and the method used for risk sensitivities - Option Greeks were also discussed.
At last, the Q & A section was filled with questions by participating teachers and students, even some questions were appreciated by the speaker.
Finally, we thank for the support from BOCI and Dr.Zhang for conducting the field study successfully. In addition, we express our gratitude to teachers and students for theirattendance even it was a holiday for most of them.