Supported by Strong Academic Leadership
This QEF Mathematical Modelling Programme is supervised by a steering committee.
Also, IMMC is guided by the IMMC Academic and Advisory Board ;
problem setting, papers reviewing, teams selection and judgement will be conducted by the Expert Panel and Grand Jury.
Steering Committee of the Project
Prof. Wai Ki CHING
Department of Mathematics
The University of Hong Kong
Dr. Zhonghua QIAO
Associate Professor of Department of Applied Mathematics
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr. Junhui WANG
Associate Professor and Associate Head of Department of Mathematics
City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Yang WANG
Dean of Science
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Prof. Kam Fai WONG
Associate Dean of Faculty of Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Academic and Advisory Board
Prof. Guanhua CHEN
Head of Dept of Chemistry
University of Hong Kong
Prof. Wai Ki CHING
Head of Dept of Mathematics
University of Hong Kong
Prof. Ming-Chih LAI
Chair Prof of Dept of Applied Mathematics
Taiwan Chiao Tung University
Prof. Fiona Yan LIU
Director of Cognitive Computing Lab
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Michael NG
Head of Dept of Mathematics
Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof. Zikang TANG
Chair Professor Director of Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering
University of Macau
Prof. Yang WANG
Head and Chair Professor of Dept of Mathematics
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Prof. Kam Fai WONG
Deputy Dean of Faculty of Engineering
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prof. Houmin YAN
Dean of College of Business
City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Tong YANG
Head of Dept of Mathematics
City University of Hong Kong
Mr. Will CHEN
Partner and Attorney at Law
Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP
Dr. Simon Hoey LEE
Deputy Secretary-General
Our Hong Kong Foundation
Expert Panel
Prof. Wai Ki CHING (Rotating Chair)
University of Hong Kong
Dr. Iat Neng CHAN
University of Macau
Prof. Wen HONG
Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Electronics
Mr. James HUNG
International Mathematical Olympiad Hong Kong Committee
Prof. Ming-Chih LAI
Taiwan Chiao Tung University
Prof. Xinming LI
National Reliable Embedded Software Engineering Technology Research Center
Prof. Liqiang LU
Fudan University
Prof. Chi-Kong (Kevin) NG
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr. Tuen Wai NG
University of Hong Kong
Dr. Zhonghua QIAO
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Yong REN
Tsinghua University
Dr. Yu-Chen SHU
Taiwan Cheung Kung University
Prof. Anthony Man-Cho SO
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prof. Jinping SUN
Beihang University
Prof. Zikang TANG
University of Macau, Macau
Dr. Simon TO
Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr. Junhui WANG
City University of Hong Kong
Prof. Yang WANG
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Prof. Kam Fai WONG
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prof. Jinxing XIE
Tsinghua University and China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling Organizing Committee
Prof. Lei ZHANG
Peking University
Prof. Running ZHANG
Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering