AI-Powered Financial Technologies Limited (AIFT) Company Ltd
July 29, 2022
After more than two years, the field study was finally resumed. Field Study is a part of the program ”The Advanced Program for Promoting STEM Education through Learning and Teaching Mathematical Modeling and its Applications. The program is supported by the Quality Education Fund. Before the event, Prof. Qiao, the professor of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the project leader of the QEF program. He introduced briefly and encouraged the teachers and students to join different activities in the program.
The field study of this time was supported by the Laboratory for AI-Powered Financial Technologies Limited(AIFT). The director of AIFT, Prof. Yan Houmin introduced the background and duties of AIFT, and he invited the participants to experience what AI can do for society. Later, he mentioned that it looks like we know the AI, we can do everything. It is not any unique fundamentals, mathematics and programming are the fundamentals. A young researcher also introduced how an AI-supported mobile application uses financial-big data to provide investors with intelligent investment advisory services.
Teachers and students who participated in the event did not only visit the AIFT office but also under the guidance of AIFT researchers, such as Dr. Huang, to run machine learning codes with the programming language called python. Furthermore, they also learned how to install development tools and execute programs, and experience how machine learning works.
After the workshop, under the lead of colleagues in the Science Park, the visitors visited the Experience Center of the Hong Kong Sciences & Technology Park to experience interesting technological equipment, such as VR glasses and robotics. They learned the role and contribution of Hong Kong Science & Technology Park as the scientific research center of Kong through the staff's explanation. The Experience Center was the last stop of the day's activities.

A R&D institute in financial technology.